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Kindler Syndrome | Genodermatoses

Author: Dr  M Umair Memon - Ziauddin Hospital - Sukkur

In a free medical camp at a remote area of Sindh, you came across 9 children of the same family having a history of photosensitivity and variable degrees of blistering mainly over trauma-prone sites. On further examination variable degrees of oral mucosal ulceration were noted & older siblings were noted to have atrophic changes over dorsa of hands and feet with areas of hypo and hyperpigmentation (as shown in picture).


1 / 5

Q1. What is the most likely diagnosis ?

2 / 5

Q2. What is the inheritance pattern of this disease that you need to discuss with their family ?

3 / 5

Q3. What grave complication you might screen for in the affected children during followup visits ?

4 / 5

Q4. While counselling the family how will you counsel regarding prognosis of disease ?

5 / 5

Q5. Considering the physician has access to the best possible health facility, what pertinent finding can be picked up on skin biopsy sample (histopathology/electron microscopy) ?

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